
Matcha Green Tea: A Potential Boost for Sleep and Social Functioning in Older Adults

Matcha green tea, a finely powdered form of green tea leaves, has been celebrated for centuries in Japan for its numerous health benefits. Recently, emerging research has highlighted its potential in promoting sleep and improving social functioning, particularly in older adults—a demographic where sleep disturbances and social isolation are common issues.

The Science Behind Matcha’s Benefits

Matcha contains a unique blend of compounds that contribute to its calming and restorative effects. The key active ingredients are L-theanine, a naturally occurring amino acid, and caffeine. While caffeine is often associated with alertness, the combination with L-theanine in matcha has a balancing effect, promoting relaxation without causing drowsiness or jitteriness. Studies have shown that L-theanine can increase alpha brain waves, which are associated with a relaxed, meditative state.

For older adults, these properties can be particularly beneficial in two critical areas: sleep quality and social engagement.

Improving Sleep in Older Adults

As people age, they often experience changes in sleep patterns. Insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, and poor sleep quality are common issues that can significantly affect overall health and well-being. Traditional remedies for sleep disturbances, such as sleeping pills, often come with unwanted side effects like grogginess and dependency, making natural alternatives like matcha increasingly attractive.

The L-theanine in matcha has been shown to promote relaxation and reduce stress, which are key contributors to sleep disorders. Additionally, its ability to reduce cortisol levels—the hormone responsible for stress—can help improve sleep quality by creating a more balanced mental state. Preliminary studies suggest that older adults who consume matcha regularly may experience more restful sleep, fewer awakenings during the night, and an easier time falling asleep.

Enhancing Social Functioning

Social isolation and loneliness are prevalent concerns for the elderly, often leading to mental health issues like depression and anxiety. Matcha’s role in boosting social functioning stems from its ability to enhance cognitive clarity and reduce anxiety.

L-theanine has anxiolytic properties, meaning it helps reduce anxiety without causing sedation. This can lead to increased confidence and willingness to engage in social activities. Improved cognitive function from matcha consumption can further enhance memory and focus, allowing older adults to participate more fully in conversations and social events.

Matcha’s gentle energy boost, thanks to its moderate caffeine content, can also enhance alertness and sociability without the crash often associated with coffee. Regular consumption may thus support a more active and engaged lifestyle, which is critical for maintaining emotional well-being as people age.

Practical Applications

Incorporating matcha into the daily routine of older adults is relatively easy. A typical serving of matcha can be enjoyed as a tea, mixed into smoothies, or even added to recipes like soups or baked goods. The versatility of matcha makes it an accessible option for those looking to improve both their physical and mental health.

To maximize benefits, it’s recommended to consume matcha during the day, as its calming effects can help ease stress, which could later contribute to better sleep at night.

While more research is needed to fully understand the scope of matcha’s benefits for older adults, early findings are promising. Matcha offers a natural, low-risk way to potentially improve sleep quality and social functioning in older adults. Its unique combination of L-theanine and caffeine provides a gentle yet effective solution to some of the most common issues faced by the elderly. For those seeking a holistic approach to aging well, matcha green tea could be a valuable addition to their wellness routine.

Japanese researchers have recently evaluated the potential cognitive benefits of matcha green tea for older adults. While green tea is well-known for its antioxidants, which can promote general health and potentially prevent some diseases, the researchers were particularly interested in whether matcha could provide cognitive advantages.

The study revealed that while matcha may support sleep and social cognition, it did not show improvements in broader cognitive functions like memory or executive functioning.

The Growing Challenge of Dementia

Dementia is a major public health concern, with millions of people in the U.S. currently affected. According to the Alzheimer’s Association, the number of people living with dementia is expected to rise sharply unless researchers make significant advances in its diagnosis and treatment. With dementia cases on the rise, scientists are exploring various avenues to improve cognitive health, including natural remedies like matcha green tea.

The Study: Matcha’s Impact on Cognition

Researchers in Japan designed the study to evaluate whether the bioactive compounds in matcha—such as L-theanine and catechins—could benefit cognitive health. Over the course of 12 months, they observed 99 participants aged 60 to 85, many of whom had either subjective cognitive decline or mild cognitive impairment.

Participants were divided into two groups: one took 2 grams of matcha daily in capsule form, while the other received a placebo. Cognitive assessments were conducted at the start of the study, at the 6-month mark, and again at the end. The researchers measured various aspects of cognitive function, including memory, attention, and executive functioning. They also evaluated sleep quality and social cognition, administering tests such as the Montreal Cognitive Assessment-Japanese version (MoCA-J).

Interestingly, while the matcha group did not show significant improvements in memory or overall cognitive function compared to the placebo group, participants did exhibit better sleep and enhanced social cognition.

Sleep and Social Acuity: Key Findings

One of the standout findings from the study was matcha’s impact on sleep quality. Participants in the matcha group reported improved sleep, which the researchers attributed to matcha’s high L-theanine content. L-theanine, an amino acid found in tea, is known for promoting relaxation by reducing stress and anxiety, which in turn can lead to deeper, more restful sleep. Since poor sleep is often linked to a higher risk of developing dementia, these findings could be beneficial for older adults looking to improve their sleep and overall well-being.

Another important observation was matcha’s role in enhancing social cognition. Participants in the matcha group showed improvements in recognizing facial expressions and understanding language—key components of social functioning. This is particularly significant, as difficulties in social communication can be early indicators of dementia. The study suggests that the catechins in matcha, which have anti-inflammatory properties, may protect certain aspects of brain function related to social cognition.

Expert Opinions on Matcha’s Cognitive Effects

Dr. Ralph Waldo, an integrative medicine practitioner, commented on the study’s findings, highlighting matcha’s potential for improving sleep and social acuity. According to Dr. Waldo, the high theanine content likely contributed to the improved sleep quality seen in the study. He also noted that the catechins in matcha may support social cognition by reducing brain inflammation and encouraging new neural connections.

Dr. Clifford Segil, a neurologist, also weighed in, expressing interest in how matcha affects sleep but cautioning against expecting it to prevent dementia. He emphasized that while matcha should be enjoyed, its health benefits might be more aligned with improving mood and sleep rather than preventing memory decline.


Though matcha green tea did not produce the broad cognitive benefits researchers hoped for, the study points to its potential in enhancing sleep and social functioning—two areas critical to overall well-being in older adults. While more research is needed to fully understand its effects, matcha remains a promising natural supplement for those looking to improve specific aspects of cognitive health.

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